Wednesday 26 September 2012

Busy busy busy!!

Tough old week this one! Only half way through! Today I had several people in my face screaming at me and others around me! When did mob mentality become the norm??!

Anyway, tomorrow is a beautiful day off and to celebrate I'm back in the Fivefingers! Been giving them a miss recently due to road running, back on the trails tomorrow! Whoo hoo!!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Run to make myself feel better

Yesterday got some bad news. So today I went for a little jog today.....that turned into a near 7 mile run! Funny how you get lost within the rhythm!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Curse you Calf Muscles!!!

Last week I ran my favourite route in my favourite shoes using my new favourite running form........and paid the price!! Friday morning my calf Muscles on both legs were in so much pain I could barely walk without limping like an old man! Add the fact that on my run I missed judged where a rather large stone was and hit it right on my heel!! Ouch is not the word! So I've rested the whole weekend.

Training continues in the new week! I will conquer the half mile in my vibrams before Hellrunner!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Trail lovin'

I love running trails!

I'm lucky enough to live within the Chiltern hills in England which, other than being stupidly expensive to live in, has gorgeous countryside and some wicked trails.

One of which me and my mate run. Its a nice 6 mile route with nice scenery and more importantly its varied! Steady, hard and slow slopes followed by killer vertical climbs!

Next run planned for Friday. Gonna try for a long random trot through the country side.

Gotta also say.....the vibrams are performing beyond my wildest dreams!! Wicked!!

Friday 7 September 2012

Five finger fun!!

Went for a run with my mate this morning and broke out the Vibrams!

Well I noticed a difference from the start! I felt quicker and more agile!
I was able to almost bounce from obstacle to obstacle with an ease that would be unheard of in normal shoes!!!

I was concerned my early attempt of five finger running would result in injury, but no injury!!! The only problem I have is slightly sore toes!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Countdown to Vibram!

Today I ran a new 6 mile route off and on road, a pretty good route!
Went through fields and along a river in the middle of nowhere. Apart from a fairly iffy moment involving a herd of peed off looking cows the route was great! Cleaned up my form nicely and it was painless!

I believe it may be time to break out the vibrams! Friday is D-day!! Just a short trip around the block is my plan.
This way I don't kill my calves lol!

Monday 3 September 2012

Not all about the running!

I'm a huge fan of cooking! Always have been! Last week me and the Mrs went to Tunisia for a very over due holiday! Spotted the below Tagine in a local shop, having always wanted one I grabbed it!
This weekend gone we decided to test it out with fantastic results!

And so was created with my fair hand a chicken, apricot and prune tagine! Yum!!!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Strong feet less injury!!!

Today I've started a foot strengthen exercise program that's on the vibram website.
Apparently if you do these 8 or so exercises for two weeks and while you walk around barefoot or in the five fingers, not only will you avoid injury when you (finally) run in them but you will also have feet as strong as the hulk!
They also suggest a new running technique, favouring a better form of running. More landing on the ball of your feet and not overstriding and against the knee shattering heel strikes! As luck would have me and my mate have been retraining our technique to this for a couple of weeks now!! Yay!!!

I tell you what, it better be as good as they say! A lot of effort to run minimalist!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Walk before you can run!

Well then, Vibram walking has begun as a new hobby! Today I went for a walk with the Mrs before work. Barely a mile but I felt it in my calves! Must be doing something right! No pain no gain!!!

To Vibram Five fingers.....and BEYOND!!

Yesterday I purchased a pair of Vibram Five fingers from "10 point" in Amersham near chesham, bucks (England). What a shop! Run by a ultra runner who runs 87 mile races in five fingers!

I bought these shoes with the intention of strengthening my feet and avoiding the injuries which occur from running with standard shoes which have unnecessary support!

This morning I started my foot conditioning by walking with the Vibrams on as I have been told if I run too soon I could damage myself.

The long road toward barefoot begins!